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International Private Label Consult
The Retailer Brand…

The Power of Private Label
Understanding the Ever-Changing Landscape of Food & Drink Retail, and the Growing Importance of Retailer Brands
By Koen de Jong, with contributions by Paul Stainton and Loe Limpens Full colour, hard cover, 280 pages, more than 200 photos and charts. This book is only available via iplc-europe.com ISBN: 978-94-6491-637-9
Self-Assessment Scan for Private Label Manufacturers and Suppliers
IPLC offers an online service product to support Private Label manufacturers in a self-assessment of their operational performance. Based on knowledge and experience in the Private Label industry, our consultants have identified criteria that are crucial for success in serveral areas.

Self-Assessment Scan for Private Label Manufacturers and Suppliers

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