André Michel
Partner Benelux
André Michel has a formidable track record in Dutch Food Retail. He was one of the pioneers of the successful retail format KonMar, the superstore chain comprising its own bakeries and delicatessen departments. In 1997 he was voted Dutch Food Manager of the year, an award for managers who distinguish themselves in the food sector in an extraordinary way. After this period he moved on to Vomar Voordeelmarkt where as commercial director he was co-responsible for the development of this successful format. Until his departure in 2012, Vomar Voordeelmarkt expanded from 24 to 56 stores. Since then he has been active as consultant to retailers and manufacturers. He is lecturer for the Master of Food Management and Commercial Management at EFMI Business School.
André Michel has extensive experience right across the Dutch Food Retail industry, particularly in the fresh categories. In his position of Director at Vomar he was chairman of the ‘fresh-meeting’ of buying organization Superunie for five years. He has an unrivalled understanding of how to translate a product and format to store level. With a keen eye for commerce and the logistic process from the perspective of a retailer, he is able to offer private label manufacturers unique support.
- Konmar Superstores
- Vomar Voordeelmarkt
- Nyenrode. Top Management training
- Babson College USA. Retail en organization
- Kellogg University USA. Consumer Marketing Strategy